Chinese to English

How to say have you a reservation in English?

Have you reservation a

More translations for have you a reservation

请问您有预定吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Do you have a reservation
你有预订吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Do you have a reservation
有预订吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Do you have a reservation
您有预定吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Do you have a reservation
有预订房间的事吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Do you have a reservation
你有预定吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Do you have a reservation
那你有预订吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Do you have a reservation
请问你有预订吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Do you have a reservation, please
您这边有预订吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Do you have a reservation here
你这边有预订吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Do you have a reservation here
你好你有预定吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Hello, do you have a reservation
我有一个预订  🇨🇳🇬🇧  I have a reservation
我有预定  🇨🇳🇬🇧  I have a reservation
我预订了房间  🇨🇳🇬🇧  I have a reservation
我有预订  🇨🇳🇬🇧  I have a reservation
您好,您是有预订是吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Hello, you have a reservation, dont you
你好,先生,有预订吗你  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Hello, sir, do you have a reservation
请问一下,您是有预订吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Excuse me, do you have a reservation
你好,我们预定了房间  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Hello, we have a reservation

More translations for Have you reservation a

请问您有预定吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Do you have a reservation
你有预订吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Do you have a reservation
有预订吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Do you have a reservation
您有预定吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Do you have a reservation
有预订房间的事吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Do you have a reservation
你有预定吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Do you have a reservation
那你有预订吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Do you have a reservation
请问你有预订吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Do you have a reservation, please
您这边有预订吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Do you have a reservation here
你这边有预订吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Do you have a reservation here
你好你有预定吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Hello, do you have a reservation
我有一个预订  🇨🇳🇬🇧  I have a reservation
我有预定  🇨🇳🇬🇧  I have a reservation
我预订了房间  🇨🇳🇬🇧  I have a reservation
我有预订  🇨🇳🇬🇧  I have a reservation
您好,您是有预订是吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Hello, you have a reservation, dont you
你好,先生,有预订吗你  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Hello, sir, do you have a reservation
请问一下,您是有预订吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Excuse me, do you have a reservation
你好,我们预定了房间  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Hello, we have a reservation